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Upload Guide

FORMATS We accept lists in the following formats.
Call us if you don't see your preferred format.
  • Comma or TAB delimited text or CSV files
  • Excel files, DBF files, MDB files from Microsoft Access
  • Exports from most contact management systems.
You may compress your uploaded files with Winzip for faster uploads.
PROCESSING Your list is processed and returned to you by email in exactly the same format that you gave us with some additional fields (or columns) added. The added fields are:
  • The new address, city, state, zip for anyone who moved.
  • The corrected zip and Zip4 of everyone on your list, even if they didn't move.
  • The Move Date and Move Type (Family, Individual, Business or unforwardable)
CERTIFICATION You also receive a document certifying that you list has undergone the NCOA process.
PAYMENT Once you upload your list, you will see the payment page.
Our basic 18 month NCOA service is just $39 for up to 12,000 records.
READY? Once you are ready, visit our Upload Page.